One day you’re cooking up to your fryer and everything is fine and the next moment you’re asking, “Why is my grease foaming?!” Well don’t worry, a lot of people have had their grease foam and it’s actually a simple fix. This post will help you understand why it’s foaming. We’ll also see how to stop it. Because having grease so bubbly that you can’t see through it obviously makes it harder to cook and it’s not very sanitary.

Why Your Grease Is Foaming
Each time you cook food in your fryer, pieces of food break off and break down in the grease. Along with food each time you cook in your fryer it gets contaminated with starches and oxygen. All these things combined are fine for a short time but the longer you use your grease the more contaminated it gets, leading to foaming.
Fryer Level Too Hot
Another reason your grease might be foaming is if you have your fryer on too high of heat. Try to keep it around 350 degrees the higher your temperature is the quicker your grease degrades and foams.
Expired Grease
If your grease is foaming it could be because the grease is expired or bad. Replace your grease with fresh new grease from the store if needed.
In Need Of A Deep Cleaning?
How long has it been since you deep-cleaned your fryer? Or even clean it out at all? It’s critical to clean out your fryer if you don’t want the grease to foam.
So, if your grease is foaming, it is probably a combination of the grease being bad, overused, and/or overheated. Take what you learned from this, and your grease will be clean in no time.
How To Reduce Foam

Regular cleaning:
A fryer should be deep cleaned once every three to six months. You’ll also want to do a simple cleaning every eight to ten uses, getting out all the food particles and old grease. Make sure to rinse and dry your vat well after cleaning it. You do not want to mix soap or water with the food.
Keep it closed when not being used:
This is pretty self-explanatory. If you leave your vat open it will be contaminated by oxygen and any debris floating in the air. Both of those things will cause contamination and foaming.
Regular filtering:
Make sure that you filter your oil at least twice a day. Simply strain the oil, get rid of any bits of food that might be in it, and pour it back into the fryer to use again at least until it’s time to replace the grease.
Replace grease regularly:
A good sign for replacing your grease is after 10 uses, while still following the above steps. Old grease is a big cause of foaming. You don’t want to wait until your grease gets thick and black before you change it. But with that being said, if you notice it getting like that before using it ten times you can and should change it earlier, better safe than sorry.
Don’t use copper vats or utensils:
Copper materials tend to rust. If the rust gets in the food, which is bad in itself, it can cause extreme foaming and contamination of the grease.
Cook at a safe temperature:
350°F-375° F is around where your fryer’s temperature should be in order to cook the food safely without degrading your cooking grease.

How To Dispose Of Cooking Grease
Now that you know the importance of changing your grease, you need to learn how to dispose of grease properly. First of all, do not dump it down your drain, that can cause so many problems for you and your entire city. If you are using a lot of grease you will want to get a sanitation company to come get it from you. Becks is special because they will not only come and get your grease, they will pay for it as well. Then once they have it they will turn your grease into green.
Recycling Cooking Grease
Recycling cooking grease is a pretty long and detailed process, so we will sum it up for you. First becks buys old cooking grease from big restaurants and then they refine the oil turning it into biodiesel or high-energy animal feed products. This is much better than what society used to do with cooking, which was dumping it into drains and water ways. Because becks buys the grease they motivate others to recycle. So, support places like becks because they found something better to do with cooking grease that helps society in many ways.
So, the answer to your question why is my grease foaming? Is likely because the grease in your fryer hasn’t been changed as often as it should be, and the grease you’re using is so degraded it’s not functioning properly anymore. Follow some of the tips for reducing foam and you’ll enjoy better frying results with less hassle and distress.
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